Unix is a family of os (operating system). Mac-os, Android, ios , linux etc. As a developer we will learn some basic unix commands to do variety of operations.
Let's learn basic shell command:
(1) pwd - prints present working directory. (2) ls - lists all files and folders in a directory. (3) cd - takes an argument, the folder that you want to navigate to. (4) cd .. - navigates to one level up. (5) ls-l - lists all files and folders in long-format. (6) clear - clears the screen. (7) exit - exit the terminal.
Basic shell commands (Manipulating files & folders):
(1) touch - to create a file. (2) head - reads content of a file from top. (3) tail - reads content of a file from bottom. (4) cat - can read content of one or more files at once. (5) nano - used to update a file & edit a file. (6) rm - used to delete a file. (7) grep - used to search for a string in some content. (8)mkdir - to create folder. (9) rmdir - to delete folder. (10) mv - move file or folder from one location to another. (11) cp - copies files or folders from one location to another. (12) rm -r - removes a non-empty directory.